Crocodile Tears - Quest (2025)

Crocodile Tears

By: Sobend

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Essential Info


Skills: 73 Hunter, 72 Fishing, 47 WC, 30 Agility

Quests: Jack of Spades, Spirits of the Elid, Missing my Mummy, Dealing with Scabaras

Items: Rope, coins, food, combat equipment kitten or cat

Also: Bring leela to Senlitens tomb, rank 3 menaphos



Getting Started

Crocodile Tears - Quest (1)

Speak to Senliten at her tomb and accept the quest. She will tell you to speak to the Sphinx and Jex in Sophanem. With your cat, speak to the Sphinx and ask about minor deities and then Crondis. Do the same with Jex. Return to Senliten and she will ask you to locate Crondis.

Locating Crondis

To locate Crondis, you will need Senliten's device for locating water. Exit the pyramid and re-enter it, this time choosing the explore the pyramid option instead of the directly to Senliten option. Head north until you find the stone ship. Take the relic from the boat.

Crocodile Tears - Quest (2)

You should now have a dowsing rod Crocodile Tears - Quest (3). Exit the pyramid and use the dowsing rod to locate Crondis. After a fair bit of running around you will visit three oases around the desert. This will get you nowhere, so return to Senliten for help. She will tell you to visit the River Spirits of the Elid, which were visited in the Spirits of the Elid quest.

To find these spirits, grab a rope and head to the source of the Elid, which is located just above the Dominion Tower. Use a rope on the waterfall and you will find yourself in a dungeon. Head north to the underground oasis and you will find three spirits. Speak to them and they will reorient your dowsing rod to find Crondis Crocodile Tears - Quest (4). Return outside and use the rod to locate Crondis again.

Crondis' Errands

You will be led into the port district of Menaphos and eventually you need water transport to go any further. Speak to Portmaster Kags and ask him to give you a ride to Crondis' pyramid. Enter the pyramid and speak to the High Priest of Crondis, who is serving that role reluctantly. Crondis will ask for a raw beltfish to eat. If you do not already have a beltfish, they can be caught in the Menaphos port district with a fishing rod, bait, and 72 fishing or bought on the Grand Exchange. When you give this to Crondis, she will complain of fish stuck in her mouth. Go back to Menaphos and cut down two acadian logs (the closest trees are int he Imperial district) and return them to Crondis.

Now Crondis will want four agility pyramid tops. This will require you to complete the agility pyramid four times. Once you have these, Crondis will want eight plover birds. Birds can be caught south of Sophanem using not bird snares but deadfall traps. All you need for this is a knife (on toolbelt) and logs. There are trees around the area you can chop down for the logs.

Crondis will then ask for croc ices. Croc ices are bought from the chocolate guy in Nardah for 1000 gold. They spoil upon teleportation so they must be delivered by foot. They are also incredibly delicious, so delicious that your character will constantly eat one every few seconds when you have them in your inventory. This means that if you buy a certain amount of croc ices, only a certain portion (probably two-thirds) will be left when you have reached Crondis. They also cost 1000 each. She will for ask for 16 croc ices. Delivering these in one trip may be difficult; your best chance to do this is to buy 28 croc ices and use a terrorbird to ensure you do not run out of energy. They can be delivered in two trips.


When you have delivered the 16 croc ices, Crondis will ask for 32 more. Firmly say "NO!" and "THAT'S ENOUGH!" while ignoring the priest's advice to keep quiet. This will enrage Crondis, and she will spit out a level 100 enemy Ukunduka.

Crocodile Tears - Quest (5)

Ukunduka will have 75,000 life points and occassionally eat your food to heal. Hence it may be wise to not use food in this fight and instead use other healing methods, but this may be difficult for lower leveled players. Regardless, Ukunduka is not a difficult enemy and should be easily vanquished.


After killing Ukunduka, Crondis will be more receptive to discussion. She will agree to stop the crocodile attacks. After this you should return to Senliten, where you will complete the quest. Congratulations, Quest Complete!



1 QP

35k XP in Fishing and Hunter

15k Xp Agility and Woodcutting

A relic of Crondis

Immunity from Desert Heat

2 TH Keys

Edited by Sobend

Crocodile Tears - Quest (2025)


What is a good sentence for crocodile tears? ›

He cries crocodile tears for the industry that his party sought to destroy. I have already observed and rejoiced in the fact that he no longer cries crocodile tears and wrings his hands in mock horror.

What is crocodile tears syndrome? ›

The term “crocodile tears” is derived from the ancient belief that crocodiles weep after killing their victims. “Crocodile tears syndrome,” also known as Bogorad syndrome, is the shedding of tears while eating or drinking in patients recovering from Bell palsy. It is also referred to as gustatory lacrimation.

Where is the safe spot in Ukunduka? ›

You must now fight Ukunduka, who has 75,000 life points and uses both melee and ranged in combat. You can safe spot it from the stairs leading up to Crondis, and restrict it to using only ranged or magic attacks. If one chooses to use melee, only a halberd will allow use of the safe spot.

Where is the saying crocodile tears? ›

The expression "crocodile tears" refers to insincere sorrow or remorse. The phrase “crocodile tears” stems from the belief that crocodiles shed tears when attacking and eating their victims. Folklore has it that crocs cry to lure their prey, or to express remorse for their violent actions.

What is the true meaning of crocodile tears? ›

To cry crocodile tears is to pretend to be sad about something. Your brother may appear upset about burning your family's dinner, but you know he really wanted to order pizza — those are just crocodile tears he's shedding. Crocodile tears is an old phrase, dating as far back as 1400.

What are crocodiles afraid of? ›

What are crocodiles afraid of? Crocodiles are apex predators, which means they are top-of-the-group hunters and not generally afraid of other animals, except hippos! A hippo's bite is strong enough to tear a crocodile in half. Smaller crocodiles are also afraid of larger crocodiles that might eat them!

Why do eyes water after eating? ›

Crocodile tears syndrome (also called gustatory lacrimation) is when one eye waters a lot when you eat or drink. It usually occurs every time you have a meal. blockage or narrowing of the tear drainage system. Usually watery eyes with any of the above issues can occur at any time and not always with eating or drinking.

What is the psychology of crocodile tears? ›

Crocodile tears, or superficial sympathy, is a false, insincere display of emotion such as a hypocrite crying fake tears of grief.

What is the crocodile tears analogy? ›

Of course, a crocodile is not really sorry for killing and eating another animal because that's how it survives. So when someone is said to shed crocodile tears, it refers to a show of pretended sorrow usually by someone who has done something cruel.

What is the safest place in Fallout? ›

This wasn't as easy voice as it was certainly unexpected as I've determined Diamond City is likely the safest city to ever exist in the world of Fallout as in game it has little threats outside of paranoia of synths compared to somewhere like Megaton which could be easily destroyed by one nuclear footage in the hands ...

Where is the safe in the mission alone? ›

Alone Safe code 1 (10-10-80), on the upper floor of the coffee shop, just after you meet the dying man. Alone Safe code 2 (37-60-80), in the Workshop beneath the coffee shop, which can be located by taking a sharp left turn once outside.

Where is the code to Colts safe? ›

What the code opensWhere the code is found
Colt's tunnel systemGiven during the Tutorial in Welcome to Blackreef.
Safe in Colt's Luxury SuiteWritten in Paint-Smudged Missive.
Gideon Fry Delivery BoothWritten on a whiteboard in Delivery Booth Workshop in Fractured ImAge. Written in RF Report: That Jingle Jangle.
8 more rows

How to spot fake crying? ›

Fake crying is sometimes hard to distinguish from real crying, but some signs include:
  1. Spitting rather than sobbing.
  2. Coughing instead of choking up.
  3. Some fake sobs are accompanied by fake tears, although this isn't always the case.
  4. Making sounds at a high pitch.
Sep 27, 2021

What is crocodile tears due to? ›

The term “crocodile tears” is derived from the ancient belief that crocodiles weep after killing their victims. “crocodile tears syndrome,” also known as Bogorad syndrome, is the shedding of tears while eating or drinking in patients recovering from Bell palsy. It is also referred to as gustatory lacrimation.

What is it called when you cry without tears? ›

Familial dysautonomia, where there can be a lack of overflow tears (alacrima), during emotional crying.

What is a good sentence for tears? ›

Her eyes filled with tears. I just broke down and wept with tears of joy. I didn't shed a single tear. He was in floods of tears on the phone.

What is an example sentence for in tears? ›

I found him in tears in his bedroom. At the end of his speech, most of us were in tears. When he described their living conditions, he was almost in tears. He regularly had his staff in tears with his outbursts.

What is a good sentence for crocodile? ›

Crocodile Sentence Examples. The crocodile is found in some of the rivers. Among the animals are the puma, manatee (sea cow), alligator and crocodile, but the number of these has been greatly diminished by hunting.

What is one word for crocodile tears? ›

noun. (used with a plural verb) a hypocritical show of sorrow; insincere tears.


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.