Krystal Spiral
The next two days (8th and 9th November) mark a major milestone in the macro-evolution of consciousness.
We are entering a bifurcation window in the coming 48 hours, whereby the Krystal Spiral represents the organic timeline of eternal consciousness. Will pull away from the inorganic phantom matrix, represented by the Fibonacci spiral.
This is a short heads-up on why this is important, why you need to pay attention, and what you can do in the next couple of days to ensure your consciousness is on the right side of the evolution/devolution potentiality.
We are entering a heightened window in the next 48 hours to help you anchor your consciousness into the ascending consciousness fields. Which, for the first time, are on the precipice of becoming the dominating morphogenic field versus the inorganic consciousness fields that have been dominating proceedings in our entire time-space matrix.
Back Story
Before anyone can remember, a consciousness field decided to separate from Source. As it did so, its consciousness became untethered to the eternal consciousness field of the Prime Creator.
Thus, it was living as a finite consciousness, and unless it could draw energy to itself, it would perish as Source no longer hosted its consciousness.
Being infinitely intelligent, it set up a new creational geometry known as the Fibonacci Spiral or the Metatronic Cube, based on HEXagonal geometry. That allowed it to draw energy towards itself to sustain its life.
The Prime Creator originally set up the matrix as a binary construct; there was a particle and anti-particle universe with the potential for consciousness to ascend out of both particle and anti-particle universes and create a third and new Krystic Time-Space matrix.
The new Krystic Time-Space matrix would be the birth of the divine child that represented the full journey in consciousness when a paired male and female consciousness went to the bottom of the first dimension and ascended out of the 15th dimension of both particle and antiparticle universes.
However, this separation from Source and its subsequent ‘fallen geometry’ created a phantom black hole matrix. This phantom matrix that the Demiurge that the Fallen Angelics sit at the apex of is a rich source of energetic food (loosh) that continues to fuel their existence.
They are completely reliant on this energy to survive. It is this phantom matrix and the fallen Angelics and their genetic lines that run all of the syphoning of energy at each plane and dimension of consciousness, including here on Earth. On our planet, the Luciferians (those who worship the fallen angel Lucifer) run all the control systems on Earth and pull all the frequency, energy and resources towards themselves.
The Phantom Matrix Is Losing Power
This phantom matrix template pulls consciousness further away from the Source and eventually down into a black hole, which remains the pathway of any Soul that stays hosted in the phantom matrix. Has remained the dominating energetic hosting system in our particle / anti-particle universe for aeons of time. The next couple of days see the ascending organic consciousness field of Source Consciousness, which is represented by the evolutionary trajectory of the Krystal Spiral.
Merge into an intersection whereby it has equal influence with the inorganic Metatronic consciousness fields governed by the Fibonacci Spiral. What this means for your life is that if you wish to have your consciousness on an ascending pathway, it will get easier and easier for you to choose to do so.
As depicted here, on the Krystal Spiral versus Fibonacci Spiral, we are now entering axis 7, which becomes the Bifurcation zone. A point where the ascending consciousness and descending consciousness have the highest possibility of migration and movement across into a new timeline of potentiality.
Beyond the next two days, the energy and momentum of the Krystal Spiral will continue to build and overtake the Fibboannci Spiral. My current comprehension is that people will have until around the end of the decade to ensure their consciousness is on the ascending pathway of the Krystal Spiral before it becomes too late to transition across. They remain eternally stuck on the descending spiral.
A good incentive to get on the path of service to others and be actively evolving and spiritually growing.
Simple Metaphor
OK, that was me trying to explain things technically; let me assist you if you need help getting it by using a simple metaphor.
Imagine your human hologram is picking up a Wi-Fi signal. Naturally, it picks up the most powerful and dominant signal. All your life, you are used to this signal and know nothing else. However, the signal broadcast has information in the airwaves that makes life choppy, unstable, shaky, and generally low frequency.
Slowly, at first, a new signal emerges. One that is more coherent, stable and higher frequency. Initially, you hardly pick it up, but the more you go into your shadows, the more you enter healthy mind-body-energy habits. The easier it is to pick up the new signal.
Over time, the signal grows stronger, and you keep evolving and stay committed to staying on the signal that is the high frequency by consciously committing to your spiritual path. However, some of your family and friends choose not to, and you notice a larger and larger gap between them and you.
Until your friends you are no longer in resonance with, you end up out of your reality field because the vibrational gap is too big for you to be in the same space-time together.
Then, as the WI-FI signal grows stronger and stronger, it becomes easier and easier for more and more people to pick up the new signal. Initially, it was just the innovators and early adopters who could pick up the signal. But soon, the early majority and some late majority also moved across. The rest never make it.
What To Do Now
The most important thing to be focused on in your life (in my opinion) is to evolve your consciousness so that you make the leap into the organic ascending consciousness wave that is moving through our time-space matrix. This ensures your Soul will start riding the ascending consciousness fields in your subsequent lifetimes.
The important thing to understand is as you move from a matrix that has all its energy contained within it into a matrix that has its energy interfacing with the source, you can begin accelerating your evolution.
It would be highly advantageous, not only for yourself but also for the collective. To meditate on the Krystal spiral, which represents the organic timeline of eternal consciousness.
It will signal to your higher self the path you wish to go forward, the ascending organic pathway, where consciousness interphases and fuses with the eternal living light of Source and receives quantum energy back into the system to be eternally sustained by the prime creator.
Over time, we will see the transmigration of the natural world from the Fibonacci spiral into the geometric codex and mathematical sequence of the Krystal Spiral. This will represent a spontaneous evolutionary leap in everything as we continue to evolve out of the carbon-based Density One we are currently in, which is an incarnated physical Earth stationed in the first three dimensions.
Into carbon-etheric matter stationed in Density Two (dimensions 4 – 6), which the soul of our planet resides in. Up into pure etheric matter in Density Three (dimensions 7 – 9), where the Oversoul of our planet resides.
The ultimate expression of our planet’s evolutionary trajectory is stationed in Density Four, as hydro-plasmic pre-matter. This would be our planet’s Avatar Consciousness, called Aramatena.
This is why you sometimes, at live events, hear me say:
“To Aramatena and Beyond!”
Hang in there, family; the wind is almost at our backs. You need to be awake and spiritually evolving and understand that we’re moving from an outdated old structure into a new spiritually evolving template.
What you need to do now is to consciously align with the Krystal Spiral so that your energy can become quantum entangled with the interfacing geometry that fuses into Source consciousness.
The Krystal Spiral has the quantum black flow from Source returned to you as the eternally sustained living life force. that can keep your consciousness eternal.
A Global Acceleration
Starting now, we should start to see an acceleration in the evolution of our species and planet.
The old systems that were fueled by the old outgoing matrix are no longer going to be dominant. The energetics of the new template are rising to support all the projects, people, ideas and concepts that will support our planet into its highest evolutionary leap in consciousness to assist a rapidly changing landscape.
A move from hierarchy to synarchy.
Today is the day to claim your birthright to align with the Krystal Spiral by simply affirming that you consciously choose to align with the Krystal Spiral and the evolving spiritual hub it hosts, and the rest will take care of itself.
Spend some time in the next couple of days meditating with the Krystal Spiral and contemplate what may be in the years ahead.
With source consciousness at your back. 1600 900Christof MelchizedekChristof Melchizedek